Vampires are fundamentally made of sturdier stuff than humans. Their resistance to conventional weapons and ability to heal wounds that would be fatal to a human make them significantly more durable creatures. A vampire trained in this discipline transcends the limit even further, either mentally or physically. Fortitude gives a vampire the ability to shake off otherwise lethal attacks, or to ensconce their mind behind impenetrable barriers.
The character has a supernatural resistance to all forms of attack, even to a greater degree than vampires in general. Attackers find that attacks are far less effective on the character.
Cost: None at first level. +1 hunger for all higher levels.
System: For each level of the physical part of Fortitude, opponents gain -2 AV. The character chooses themselves which level of the power they activate. In group fights, this deduction is only applied to the opposing side's combined AV, not each opponent individually.
Although most use fortitude to strengthen their physical body against attacks, there are also vampires who use it to harden their psyche. The character encloses their mind behind mental barriers that make it much more difficult to influence their will.
Cost: None for first level, +1 hunger for higher levels.
System: For each level of the mental component of fortitude, the character gains +2 in MV provided they are the defending party.
The character can make themselves as stable and immovable as a block of granite. As long as they have contact with the ground, it is almost impossible to move, drag or wrestle through them in any way. The character can still be attacked and is not immune to damage or mental powers, but physically it is next to impossible to make them move.
Cost: +1 hunger
System: The player cannot be moved from his position in any way as long as they are in contact with the ground and the person trying to move them does not have a higher level in Potence or the Discipline trying to move the player than the player has in Fortitude. They are not immune to mental powers that force them to move themselves or to be held down or knocked down until they can no longer stand up.
The character's mind is extra sensitive to the level that they are aware of any attempts at influence. It does not provide any special defenses, but they are afterwards aware of the attempt.
Cost: Passive
System: When the character is exposed to a power from a mental discipline that requires a mental duel, they are aware of this, regardless of whether the character is affected or not. This does not prevent the character from being affected should they lose a mental duel, but they know that the behavior is not their own. The ability provides no information about who has used the power other than to warn the character when exposed.
The vampire's traditional weaknesses, fire and sunlight, remain a potent weapon even against hardened kindred. With this ability, the character brings a certain amount of resistance to such attacks, up to a certain limit
Cost: +1 hunger
System: After participating in combat where the opponent used aggravated damage, the character can activate the power to downgrade the damage. They then takes no damage if they won the battle and halve their AV as normal if they lost.
The character refines their mental protections against lower forms of mental influence. Others now find it significantly more difficult to affect the character with simpler powers.
Cost: Passive
System: The character cannot be affected by first-level mental disciplines unless the person using the power pays a level of hunger. If the character is exposed to any of these powers (awe, daunt, compel, cloud memory, or aura perception), the player says “mental fortress” . The other player can then choose to either accept that the discipline works without effect or activate it again and pay a level of hunger by saying “(name of power) +1”. Powers activated in this way otherwise function as normal.
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